JoPo Starter Kit
Everything you need to get started – Kit includes
1 Bottle of Glue
1 Jopo Twist Locking Tool
6 Jopo Inner Sleeves With Slugs
12 Outer Sleeves
1 – 1 1/2″ Drill Bit With Stopper
JoPo Grips, a company with a new interchangeable thumb insert. This insert uses patented technology, creating a durable bowling grip that will enhance your bowling experience.

1 Review
JoPo Twist Thumb Grips
Love them! I used Turbo Switch Grips for years. Got tired of loosing Grips on the alley so I started looking for something better. I looked at the Vice IT grips and others but found that they all either screwed in or snapped in at the bottom. JoPo grips is the only one I found that does both! Also this is a beefier grip as well. It has three points of contact that audibly snap in at the bottom. The Switch Grips only have two that wear out quickly. The threads on the side of the thumb go up about halfway on the thumb as compared to the Vise It grip which is at the bottom of the grip. With the other two grips, they only have one failsafe. So, if it fails your chances of loosing a grip are greater! On the JoPo grip there are two failsafe. If the snap in portion fails the grip would still have to turn 360 degrees in order for the grip to come out. The only suggestion I would do is make two different grips one for left handers with the right turning threads and one for right handers with left turning threads. That way the natural turn of the thumb does not cause the thumb to come loose.